1st Degree Charge Masonic
He was a member of the Masonic Temple having achieved 32nd degree mason of the Scottish Rite the Melha Shriners and the National Ski Patrol for 40 years at. When they pass the Junior Warden in the south the first time he gives one rap Senior Warden one rap and Worshipful Master one rap. Be A Freemason Masonic Degrees Being in charge of the first or EA. . Colonel Bryan Much Commander of the Wisconsin National Guard 1st Battalion 126th Field Artillery gives visitors to Fort McCoy an overview of the base during a tour of annual training. The senior officer of a Masonic Lodge is the Master normally addressed and referred to as the Worshipful Master in Scotland and in Lodges under the Scottish Constitution the Right Worshipful MasterThe Worshipful Master sits in the East of the lodge room chairs all of the business of his lodge and is vested with considerable powers without further reference to the. That portion of the old Freemasons who met at...